Fruit Of The Month

Love is the first of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. Real, mature, God-like love is not red hearts, that early honeymoon stage and conditional – if you do this, I will love you. Feelings will come and go, but love is a decision.

People in your life – your spouse, a child, a family member, a neighbor, and even your client may do something to hurt or o!end you. You cannot control what they do, but you can control how you respond.

I remember covering a shift years back for one of my favorite clients, T. Rae. I was making a healthy green salad for her and she was yelling at me because I put too much lettuce or dressing on the plate. I leaned on the kitchen counter to be eye-level as she was hunched over at 92, and I said, “T. Rae, I love you. I’m trying to help you by making you dinner. Why are you yelling at me?” She quickly calmed down and apologized. I believe my loving reaction to her verbal attack diffused the situation.

People can do ugly things – they can call you names, make untruthful accusations, insult you, and be dismissive. It’s easy to love people who are nice to you. Where’s the challenge in that? Love the unlovable, be forgiving. Remember the phrase from the 90s, What Would Jesus Do or otherwise known as WWJD? It is a reminder to act in a manner that demonstrates His love. So be Jesus with skin on. Your loving response will determine the outcome of many situations

With Christ’s love,
Roberta Velichko,
President and Co-Founder