Always there

End-Of-Life Care

Most of us have experienced the loss of loved one, but not everyone has the responsibility to care for the one they are losing.

Always care

Physically Caring For Your
Loved One Adds A Whole Other Component And Dimension

Most of us have experienced the loss of a loved one,
but not everyone has the responsibility to care for the one they are losing. Your emotional stress may include seeing a loved one suffer; praying for mercy their time will come soon; possible regrets for a relationship that might have been; and possibly making funeral arrangements. Physically caring for your loved one,
24/7 for a short season, adds a whole other huge component and dimension. Thus, caring for a loved one at end-of-life can be emotionally draining and physically exhausting.

Always there

We Can Provide Dependable, Comforting
End-Of-Life Care

We can provide dependable, comforting end-of-life care for your loved one during this very difficult time offering support to the family. Whether sitting bedside with them to offer a sip of water, comfort through holding hands to assisting them to walk to the bathroom, we can help.

Hospice services typically only offer a few hours daily Monday through Friday. We can be there seven days including weekends and overnights which are often much-needed during those final months and weeks. For those clients at end-of-life stages, we view our role as an opportunity to comfort them on their journey home.

To guard and guide by your side…

always care, always there