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Always An Angel Homecare Elevates Engagement with New Home-based Activity Program Rollout
Providing Vitalizing Activities for Mental Stimulation and to Foster Emotional Connections with Others PUTNAM COUNTY, N.Y. – Always An Angel Homecare, a faith-based senior homecare

Love – Fruit of the Month
Love is the first of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. Real, mature, God-like love is not red hearts, that early honeymoon stage and

Joy – Fruit of the Month
As Louie Armstrong said, “Grab your coat and grab your hat! Leave your worries on the doorstep. Just direct your feet, to the sunny side

Peace – Fruit of the Month
According to Webster, the definition of Peace is: “a state of tranquility or quiet.” Vocabulary.com says: “Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness

Patience – Fruit of the Month
In the early years of our marriage, my wife would always say to me: “Steve, you have the patience of Job.” I was familiar with

Always An Angel Homecare Expands Corporate Office and Launches Second Affiliate Agency to Meet Growing Demand
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE… CONTACT: Jessica Tcholakov All Points Public Relations (847) 897-7483 jtcholakov@allpointspr.com August XX, 2021 Always An Angel Homecare Expands Corporate

Roberta Velichko, President of Always An Angel Franchising is interviewed by OnePoint franchise accounting: “How to Encourage More Women to Franchise Their Business”
More women are entering franchising than ever before. In fact, between 2011 and 2017, female franchise ownership jumped 83 percent. But while many more women
Always An Angel Homecare Launches Franchising Initiative
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE… CONTACT: Stephen J. Velichko Always An Angel Franchising, Inc. (845) 293-6100 franchising@alwaysanangelhomecare.com Always An Angel Homecare Launches Franchising Initiative June