A homebased activity program equipping caregivers to engage in fun and meaningful ideas with their clients.
What, Why and How?
Let's Learn, Laugh, Play and Pray!TM
An online activity program to assist our caregivers to engage seniors as well as people with cognitive disabilities in fun and meaningful ideas to promote their cognitive fitness and their emotional, spiritual, social, and physical wellbeing.
Simply have fun!
Why Do It?
Stimulating activities can enhance the client’s life by enlivening their spirits and bringing them joy while at the same time lessen possible anxiety and agitation. Our activities aim to:
- Foster emotional connections with others
- Stir memories and help you reminisce
- Improve fine and gross motor skills
- Connect with your Maker
- Encourage self-expression
- Help you feel productive
- Simply have fun!
How Does It Work?
Choose the Current Month Activity Calendar
And Then Scroll Down for 24 More Activities!
Choose Activity
Activity Calendars
Weekly themed activity ideas celebrate the well-known and more obscure holidays and observations in each month along with a few various topics.
Choose Activity
Mind, Body And Soul
We strongly encourage you to supplement with activities for the Mind, Body and Soul each week.
Choose Activity
Even More Activities!
Find 21 more fun and meaningful ideas. Some activities are one-time-only, others are seasonal, but most can be done over and over again.
100 Questions
100 Questions
All About Me
All About Me
Art 101
Art 101
Bible Stories
Bible Stories
Car Games
Car Games
Count your Blessings
Count your Blessings
For Men Only
For Men Only
Games Galore
Games Galore
Household Chores
Household Chores
It's your Party
It's your Party
Just Breathe
Just Breathe
Knit Happens
Knit Happens
Let it Snow
Let it Snow
Memory Lane 1950s
Memory Lane 1950s
Sensory Therapy
Sensory Therapy
Sing Alongs and More
Sing Alongs and More
The Great Outdoors
The Great Outdoors
Virtual Visits
Virtual Visits
Wanna be a Wise Guy
Wanna be a Wise Guy

for the caregiver
Helpful Hints
- Glance at the monthly calendar ahead and together, figure out what activities would be the most fun for your client and mark them on the calendar.
- At the beginning of each month, check what supplies and food items you may need to purchase for the month’s activities.
- Use the music from JUST BREATHE or SING-ALONGS AND MORE as background music while cooking, crafting or having conversations.
- Note and journal what works and what doesn’t work so next time goes smoother.
for the caregiver
Remember Your ABC's
Always factor interests, cognitive skills, and physical capabilities
Caregivers may know their clients best. This includes what they like
and dislike; what they can and cannot do cognitively offering the
appropriate amount of assistance and knowing their physical
capabilities whether on an outing or choosing the right
exercise video.
Be in the moment – encourage to fully use five senses
Caregivers should encourage their clients to fully experience the
program by slowing down to take in, absorb, appreciate, savor and
revel in each activity using their five senses of sight, smell, hearing,
taste and touch.
Consider dietary restrictions
Refer to the nutrition section on your client’s Service Plan to see if
they have any dietary restrictions like no salt, no sugar, no fat, etc.
Eliminate or modify recipes accordingly.

for the caregiver
Earn your Halo!
Any angel that suggests an activity or an idea to further enhance an already existing activity has an opportunity to earn their halo.
Please contact the office to share your ideas for consideration.
Learn More about AMIT
Frequently Asked Questions
We are sure you have lots of questions about the program.
Feel free to give us a call. We are happy to speak with you!
Yes, each activity can be tailored to meet each client’s interests, cognitive skills, and physical abilities. Each caregiver should take the lead from encouraging their client to participate, identifying their interests, and trying new things. While the ideas are quick, simple, and doable, not all of the activities will work for each client. Some folks love arts and crafts, others not so much. But we like to think there is something for everyone!
Skim the activities including links on the Activity Calendar and explore together what intrigues you. Caregivers may know their clients better than anyone. They will know how to make this happen and how to modify to meet their client’s abilities.
Find your client’s sweet spot – not too easy but at the same time, not too difficult. Don’t look at outcomes, achievements or how well something is done. The goal is for the client to be engaged and have more enjoyment in life. Please consider each client’s dietary restrictions for suggested recipes.
Say for instance, this week is RED. Both the client and
caregiver should follow the color theme throughout the week
in as many ways as possible. Wear something RED. Draw
something RED. Make a meal that includes something RED.
Look for items in the house that are RED. Take a walk and
look for something RED – RED flowers, RED cars, etc.
Each monthly activity packet will include the crafts you need
for the month. We do ask that all families provide their own
crayons, colored pencils, paints, glue, three-hole puncher, and
construction paper. Any food items for the recipes will be
highlighted in purple for your individual purchase.
Caregivers will deem outings appropriate for their clients
based on their client’s mobility and weather permitting.
Caregivers will prudently choose activities that are ideally
free or at a minimal cost. Should there be a cost associated
with an outing, clients are responsible for the cost of the
caregiver’s participation.
You can access the program on our company website. Ideally,
use the client’s desktop computer or iPad for a bigger screen
and better viewing. When not available, we ask caregivers to
use their cell phones only if they are comfortable doing so
and have unlimited data. You may need to request your
client’s Wi-Fi password for Internet access.
A Moment in Time Gallery